2024 Endorsements

About Us
They See Blue® Georgia was founded in August 2019. Since then, we’ve hosted numerous events with Georgia Democratic candidates, including a 2020 Election Kickoff event, which featured keynote speaker and Georgia House of Representatives Minority Leader Stacey Abrams and then U.S. Senate candidate Jon Ossoff. Our members and chapter events have been featured in the Washington Post, New York Times, NBC Asian American, NRI Pulse, Scroll, among other news outlets.
In the 2020 election cycle, we called and texted thousands of South Asian voters and wrote 7,000 postcards on behalf of Democratic candidates.
More than 20 of our 400 members were trained to be poll workers or poll observers for the Nov. 3 general election, and several volunteered to answer questions from voters for the Georgia Democratic Party Voter Protection Hotline.
Two of our core team members served on the Georgia Biden-Harris Asian American Pacific Islander Leadership Council, and many of our members work as staff for local Democratic campaigns.
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